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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS_KR_Taxon Developers Meeting May 2005

Difference between version 112 and version 73:

Line 3 was replaced by line 3
- Hotel: Information to be provided\\
+ Venue: [YMCA of the Rockies |]\\
Line 9 was replaced by line 9
- * Background reading: [Incorporating Semantics in Scientific Workflow Authoring|]
+ * Background reading: [Incorporating Semantics in Scientific Workflow Authoring|]
Removed line 12
- ***[Text-metadata: 2000lgcover.txt|]
Removed line 15
- ***Experimental design: [arc_samp_design.PNG]
At line 18 added 2 lines.
+ **Deana's dataset summaries
+ ***Experimental design: [arc_samp_design.PNG]
At line 19 added 3 lines.
+ ***Deana's notes: [Summary_data_concepts_Meeeting041105.doc]
+ ***Comparison of datasets: gce_arc_comparison.png (attached; Wiki insists on displaying this inline when I link it)
+ ***Deana's concept map for the formal ontology-challenged: observations.jpg (attached; ditto)
Line 21 was replaced by line 24
- ***Rich's measurement ontology: [MeasurementBase.owl|]
+ ***Rich's measurement ontology (attaches to other existing ontologies, but maybe it will be useful to someone by itself: [MeasurementBase.owl|]
Removed lines 23-25
- ***Deana's concept map for the formal ontology-challenged: observations.jpg
- ***Deana's summary of datasets: [Summary_data_concepts_Meeting041105.doc]
- ***Comparison of datasets: gce_arc_comparison.png
Removed line 43
Lines 45-48 were replaced by lines 44-53
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Application Usability Interview Results from Kate Jones (Downey, Franz)__
- * 1:00pm - 4:00pm __Kepler Architecture__ (Berkley)
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Application Requirements and Design Priority Process__
+ ** (Attachment below: SEEK Taxon Going Forward.ppt)
+ ** Recapitulation of current status and objectives (Beach)
+ *** Strategic Objectives for SEEK Project Integration
+ *** Near-term Development Priorities for SEEK primary use cases (Concept "Resolution" and Merge Concepts)
+ *** User-centered Analysis and Design for Broader Impacts
+ ** Report of Task Analysis Interview with Dr. Kate Jones, Dr. Brett Riddle (Downey, Franz)
+ ** Break
+ ** Discussion: Assessment of Findings
+ * 1:00pm - 4:00pm __Kepler Architecture__ (Berkley) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
At line 54 added 1 line.
Lines 62-64 were replaced by lines 68-75
- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon Member Updates and Priorities__ (All)
- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semantic Annotations in Kepler__ (Bowers)
- ** Creating, editing, saving, and publishing annotations for actors, data, workflows
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon Usability Analysis and Process, Continued (w/Downey and Pereira)__
+ ** User Centered Design Process
+ *** Identifying users of Concept "relating" services
+ *** Identifying users of Concept "resolution" services
+ *** Analysis and Design process next steps
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Actor and data classification and browsing__ (Berkley)
+ ** Classification of actors and data into categories, browsing and searching those through Kepler (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
Lines 69-72 were replaced by lines 80-81
- * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Usability Analysis and Process (All: w/Downey and Pereira)__
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Actor and data classification and browsing__ (Berkley)
- ** Classification of actors and data into categories, browsing and searching those through Kepler
+ ** __Ontology-directed workflow design__ (Berkley) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
+ *** UI changes to allow search and browse of semantically (and structurally) compatible workflow components
Lines 77-78 were replaced by lines 86-94
- ** __Ontology-directed workflow design__ (Berkley)
- *** UI changes to allow search and browse of semantically (and structurally) compatible workflow components
+ * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Updates and Priorities__ (All)
+ ** Accomplishments Addressing SEEK Strategic Objectives
+ ** Broader Impact accomplishments
+ ** Break
+ ** 3-6 month priorities, tasks and milestones
+ ** __Taxon Wrap Up__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semantic Annotations in Kepler__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
+ ** Creating, editing, saving, and publishing annotations for actors, data, workflows
Removed line 83
- * 5:00pm __End of Taxon Subgroup Meeting__
Lines 87-88 were replaced by line 102
- * 8:30am __SEEK Taxon Subgroup__
- * 8:30am - 10:00am __Semantic workflow validation__ (Bowers)
+ * 8:30am - 10:00am __Semantic workflow validation__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
Line 95 was replaced by line 109
- * 10:15am - 12:00am __Ontologies__ (Schildhauer)
+ * 10:15am - 12:00am __Ontologies__ (Schildhauer) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
Line 102 was replaced by line 116
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semi-automated data integration__ (Jones)
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semi-automated data integration__ (Jones) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
Line 115 was replaced by line 129
- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semi-automated workflow composition__ (Bowers)
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semi-automated workflow composition__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)

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