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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS_KR_Taxon Developers Meeting May 2005

Difference between version 8 and version 7:

At line 17 added 1 line.
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
Removed line 26
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
At line 30 added 1 line.
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon__
Removed lines 44-81
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
- 2. SMS
- Duration: day to day 1/2 (depending on who's there)
- Who : SMS folks + AMS
- Issues : - use cases
- + biodiversity (shawn, mark, bertram)
- + niche modeling (deana)
- - graphical interfaces in kepler
- + for annotation, search, integration, etc.
- - tools/applications (SMS tools, SCIA)
- - set milestones next six months
- 3. Kepler Architecture
- Duration: 1/2 day to day
- Who : All (KR, SMS, Taxon, AMS)
- Issues : - kepler object manager
- + current architecture
- + SMS services
- + Taxon services
- + repositories (onto's, annotations, etc.)
- + a "SEEK" architecture
- 5. KR/SMS and Taxon
- Duration : Two hours - half day (as wrap-up?)
- Who : All (KR, SMS, Taxon, AMS)
- Issues : - identify similar functionality that could be "shared"
- - identify connections between services (e.g., for search,
- etc.)
- - identify plan on how to collaborate
- + select one or two particular use cases (biodiversity?)
- + identify who will work together
- + identify a basic timeline
Removed line 83
Line 85 was replaced by lines 47-59
- * 8:00am Coffee
+ * 8:00am __Coffee__
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon__
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __SMS__
+ ** use cases:
+ *** biodiversity (shawn, mark, bertram)
+ *** niche modeling (deana)
+ ** tools and applications (SMS, GIS, SCIA, ...)
+ * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __SMS__
+ ** graphical interfaces in kepler
+ *** for annotation, search, integration, answer explanation, etc.
+ ** set milestones next six months
At line 88 added 16 lines.
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Kepler Architecture__
+ ** Current Architectural Components
+ ** The Kepler Object Manager
+ ** Repositories (data, actors, onto's, annotations, etc.)
+ ** SMS Services
+ ** Taxon Services
+ ** Towards a "SEEK" archicture
+ * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm - 4:00pm __KR/SMS and Taxon__
+ ** identify similar functionality that could be "shared"
+ ** identify connections between services (e.g., for search, etc.)
+ ** identify plan on how to collaborate
+ *** select one or two particular use cases (biodiversity?)
+ *** identify who will work together
+ *** identify a basic timeline
+ * 4:00pm - 4:30pm __Wrap Up__

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