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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 14 June 2004

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

At line 19 added 55 lines.
+ !! Xianhua Liu
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Finished design of Auto-Manager: auto-email, auto-assignment and auto-decision
+ * Implemented auto-email function
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * developing Auto-Manager for Concept Review System to automatically complete some system administration tasks, such as sending emails,assigning proposals to peer-viewers.
+ Significant Issues
+ * None
+ !! Sergui Krivov
+ Completed tasks/bugs fixed
+ * developed toolbox pane (no icons yet) and enabled raw visual editing of simple owl constructs
+ * wrote a small section of growl paper
+ Current Work and Bug
+ * functions for editing relations and links
+ ** owl-dl compliance resolution for graphic primitives
+ * enable node property editing
+ * one more section for growl paper
+ Significant issues
+ * Should we support owl-full? All who responded seems favor support for owl-dl only
+ !! Rich WIlliams
+ Completed tasks/bugs fixed
+ * None
+ Current Work and Bugs
+ * Developing an ontology for biodiversity indices, extending existing ontologies to accommodate this, and adding instances for the biodiversity indices and related concepts. This includes a general model for properties computed in terms of other properties.
+ * Review/comment on paper that Shawn is lead author on, about the inter-ant parasitism semantic mediation prototype.
+ * GrOWL editor: updating of the OWL model when the user edits the displayed graph
+ 3) Significant issues
+ * I looked into existing work on the semantics of mathematics, potentially for use when defining quantities in terms of other measured quantities. A useful initiative is, an emerging standard for representing the semantics of mathematical objects.
+ !! Jing Tao
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Finished the collaboration and class diagram draft design for bug 1584 and 1586
+ * Installed and evaluated both windows and linux SAS as sql engine
+ * Resinstalled and tested Metacat ecogrid server in my local machine after Rod changed the code according to the change of resultset
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * Continue to find a good sql engine for data query
+ * Probably start to code after finding a good sql engine
+ * Fix some bugs in ecogrid client after the resultset change
+ Significant Issues
+ * None

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