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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 14 June 2004

Difference between version 7 and version 6:

At line 139 added 1 line.
At line 147 added 58 lines.
+ !! Jenny Wang
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Analyzed our schema matching tool user interface design
+ * Fixed one of the bugs for improving its UI: the windows for 2 schema trees were changed to be individually scrollable in order to be able to visually handle the mappings between very large schemas
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ ----------------------
+ * Work on 2 paper drafts
+ * Fix more bugs of the tool:
+ ** make details of nodes accessible from the GUI,
+ ** look for solutions for the conflicted requirements on java version from running multiple threads on windows and the XQuery engine with Kepler.
+ Significant Issues
+ * The second bug is related to making easier connection of our tool with Kepler.
+ !! Dave Thau
+ Completed tasks/bugs fixed
+ * Got local version of the taxon server set up in my IDE and running on my home machine.
+ Current Work and Bugs
+ * Working on bug #1597 - the intial user management for the taxon server. Wrote initial tests and some of the code for logging in / logging out and editing user information. Probably will finish this part by Wednesday.
+ * Working on paper with Shawn Bowers for the Semantic Web and Databases conference.
+ Significant issues
+ * None.
+ !! Shawn Bowers
+ Completed tasks/bugs fixed
+ * Worked mainly on Bug 1592 "describe Sparrow toolkit interface". In particular, defined a preliminary draft of a Java API for accessing ontological information via Sparrow to support Bug 1546 "dynamic data and actor views using ontologies". I also defined a simple extension to the API (set of derived classes) for Bug 1546, which would take a single concept from an ontology and return a tree-structure representing the appropriate Kepler tree-view for browsing (that is, the result is a data structure that could be used to populate a tree-view, however that would work). Still need to add to the API to fully support bug 1546, since it requires access to information about actors.I'll "release" a stable version of the APIs soon, as Javadocs and UML diagrams. Want to prototype it first.
+ * Worked on a paper with Dave Thau and Rich Williams to describe the Ant Parasitism SMS prototype. It is due on the 21st.
+ Current Work and Bugs
+ * Need to start working on implementing the API, which means writing the java code and connecting it to the Sparrow code (this work is situated in bug 1592 and 1546).
+ * Extend API (see 1 above).
+ * Need to finish writing the paper
+ * Need to prepare slides for SSDBM paper -- I leave Friday.
+ Significant issues
+ * none
+ !! Robert Gales
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Split the taxonomic object service into two interfaces, ITOSQueryable for handling queries to the Taxon cache and ITOSModifiable for adding information to the Taxon cache
+ * Created a facade object CTOSFacade that implements both interfaces and
+ exposes the taxonomic object service through SOAP.
+ * Moved the previous CMainTOS to CTOSQueryEngine implementing the ITOSQueryable interface and created the stub class CTOSModEngine implementing the ITOSModifiable interface.
+ * Implemented the CDetailedName class for handling the complex atomized names
+ * Moved all classes that are parts of a concept from the tree package to the concept package.
+ Current Work and Bugs
+ * Bug 1577 - Implement AddRelationship
+ * Bug 1603 - Implement AddConcept
+ * Bug 1604 - Convert ITIS database dump to TES
+ Significant Issues:
+ * None

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