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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 28 June 2004

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

At line 108 added 1 line.
+ !! Robert Gales
At line 109 added 52 lines.
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Redesigned the taxon cache database
+ * Modified all DB relevant code to incorporate the redesign
+ * Moved all DB related code out of concept classes to prevent any future database changes from affecting the higher layers of the architecture
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * Bug 1603: Implement addConcept
+ ** Adding name, detailed name, according to, detailed according to, publication, detailed publication and
+ concept records have been implemented and tested
+ ** Currently implementing adding specimen and character circumscription
+ * Bug 1577: Implement addRelationship
+ Significant Issues
+ * None
+ !!"Jenny" Guilian Wang
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * fixed the 3rd bug mentioned in the last week report: input domain thesauri from user specified text files instead of builtin ones
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * Work on 2 paper drafts
+ * Fix more bugs of the tool:
+ ** make details of nodes accessible from the GUI,
+ ** correctly handle union types of matches in the GUI
+ * Implement abstract schemas and abstract schema morphisms to make the tool more general.
+ Significant Issues:
+ * The implementation of abstract schemas and schema morphisms will help the tool handle constraints to some extent.
+ !! Aimee Stewart
+ Completed tasks/bugs fixed
+ * None
+ Current Work and Bugs
+ * working on parser for Taxonomic Exchange Schema as part of enterProviderData (Bug 1576)
+ Significant issues
+ * None
+ !! Steve Tekell
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Launched new web site (in PROD)
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * Converting old wiki content
+ * Clean up, minor enhancements to login module and web app
+ * Make org list dynamic in login form
+ Significant Issues
+ * Problem with Tomcat 5 installation/configuration in PROD (unable to load new WARs)

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