Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Welcome To SEEK

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- !!! Welcome to SEEK
+ The Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge ([SEEK|AboutSEEK]) is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure for ecological, environmental, and biodiversity research and to educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary]. SEEK participants are building an integrated data grid ([EcoGrid]) for accessing a wide variety of ecological and biodiversity data and analytical tools ([Kepler]) for efficiently utilizing these data stores to advance ecological and biodiversity science. An intelligent middleware system ([SMS|SemanticMediation]) will facilitate integration and synthesis of data and models within these systems.
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- The Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge [SEEK|AboutSEEK] is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure for ecological, environmental, and biodiversity research and to educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary]. We are building an integrated data grid for accessing a wide variety of ecological and biodiversity data and analytical tools for efficiently utilizing these data stores to advance ecological and biodiversity science.
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- |May 10, 2004|[Kepler|Kepler] analysis and modeling tool (1.0.0alpha1) released for testing and feedback.
+ |February 11, 2008|[Kepler 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1 Released|]
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+ Read [previous news items|NewsAndAnnouncements2004]
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