Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Welcome To SEEK

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- !!! Welcome to SEEK
+ The Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge ([SEEK|AboutSEEK]) is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure for ecological, environmental, and biodiversity research and to educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary]. SEEK participants are building an integrated data grid ([EcoGrid]) for accessing a wide variety of ecological and biodiversity data and analytical tools ([Kepler]) for efficiently utilizing these data stores to advance ecological and biodiversity science. An intelligent middleware system ([SMS|SemanticMediation]) will facilitate integration and synthesis of data and models within these systems.
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- Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge [SEEK|AboutSeek] is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure and educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary].
+ See a [brief overview of SEEK|AboutSEEK] or the full [project proposal|SEEKProjectProposal] for a detailed description of the project initiative.
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- See the full [project proposal|SEEKProjectProposal] for a detailed description of the project initiative
+ !News
+ |February 11, 2008|[Kepler 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1 Released|]
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- This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award 0225676. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation [(NSF)|].
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- ----
- This would be a good place for news items...
+ Read [previous news items|NewsAndAnnouncements2004]
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+ !!! On This Site
+ *[What Is SEEK And Who Is Involved?|AboutSEEK]
+ *[Education and Training for SEEK Tools and Concepts|EducationAndTraining]
+ *[Documents and Publications|SEEKDocuments]
+ *[Community: Collaboration & Participation in developing SEEK|Community]
+ **[Calendar, Meetings|Calendar], [Forums], [IRC|IRCChannels], [Issue Tracking|IssueTracking]
+ *[Opportunities|Opportunities]
+ **[Workshops], [Grants], [Organizations], etc
+ *[Tools & Data|SEEKToolsAndData]

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