Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
Ecoinformatics site parent site of Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics site parent site of SEEK - Home
Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Welcome To SEEK

Difference between version 9 and version 8:

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- Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge [SEEK|AboutSEEK] is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure and educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary].
+ The Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge [SEEK|AboutSEEK] is a five year initiative designed to create cyberinfrastructure and educate the ecological community about [ecoinformatics|Glossary].
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- See the full [project proposal|SEEKProjectProposal] for a detailed description of the project initiative
+ See a [brief overview of SEEK|AboutSEEK] or the full [project proposal|SEEKProjectProposal] for a detailed description of the project initiative.

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