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- *Ecological Informatics: Managing Data & Information for Projects, Laboratories, & Observatories, Sunday, August 1, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM [ESA|http://www.esa.org/portland/theme.html]. A copy of the agenda can be found [here|Ecological Informatics presentation schedule4.doc] |
- *Ecological Metadata: Software Tools & Approaches for Documenting & Discovering Biological & Environmental Data, Monday, August 2 [ESA|http://www.esa.org/portland/theme.html], June 30 & July1, 2004, Madison, Wisconsin |
- *[GRIDS Targeted Communities Workshop|http://www.grids-center.org/train/June2004.asp], June 30 & July 1, 04 Madison, Wisconsin |
- *[eScience GRID Environments|http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/292/], 12 May, 04 09:00 - 17:00 e-Science Institute, 15, South College Street, Edinburgh |
+ *Ecological Informatics: Managing Data & Information for Projects, Laboratories, & Observatories, Sunday, August 1, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM [ESA|http://www.esa.org/program/wk8.htm] Portland, Oregon. |
+ **A copy of the agenda can be found [here|Ecological Informatics presentation schedule4.doc]. |
+ **A link to the post workshop survey can be found [here|https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=82261565287] |
+ **A copy of the presentation materials can be found [here|ESA workshop materials]. |
+ *Ecological Metadata: Software Tools & Approaches for Documenting & Discovering Biological & Environmental Data, Monday, August 2, 2004, from 8-10 PM [ESA|http://www.esa.org/program/evening9.htm] Portland, Oregon. |
+ *[GRIDS Targeted Communities Workshop|http://www.grids-center.org/train/June2004.asp], June 30 & July 1, 04 Madison, Wisconsin. |
+ *[eScience GRID Environments|http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/292/], 12 May, 04 09:00 - 17:00 e-Science Institute, 15, South College Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Copies of the power point presentations can be found [here|http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=292]. |
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