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Participants: Aimee, Bertram, Shawn, Dan, Mark
Possible collaboration point: reasoning over functional attribute database
Semantic mediator will call TOS
- Maintain GUIDs in metadata or resolve dynamically
- Could bind resolution if done by original data collector/author
- Third party resolution results could improve over time until TOS cache is somewhat stable.
- Who is responsible for the association if not maintained in EML?
Use Case:
- Scientist brings in 2 datasets
- Resolve names for each list
- Can this data be integrated? yes/no
- Need Integrate function: integrate(list1, list2, resolutionLevel). (This is already on the task list for Taxon)
For a more automated workflow approach - maybe associate taxonType as output port for dataset actor and input port for analysis actor
Additional input for findConcepts:
- ancillary data to help resolve concept (i.e. geographic, functional, temporal data about dataset)
- level of desired resolution (could be part of algorithm)
Additional functionality needed from TOS:
- Automatically resolve a list of names with different resolutions/ranks to a rescaled list of concepts (lump to reconcile with other list, criteria)
- step 1: names to concepts (with user interaction?)
- how is this determined when taxonomists make judgements based on taxonomic author/provider?
- step 2: concept to parent
- third party relationships or originally defined concept relationships
- Compatible(concept1, concept2, criteria) - someone needs to define criteria for analysis.
- List of names
- are these most recent/best names
- what are ambiguities
- need for human intervention to resolve
- which GUID associated for co-referencing with other data.
- Relation with EML Taxonomic coverage: if binomial, and launch TCS search, how capture results, especially if these required human intervention; is TCS resolution going to be associated with EML as semantic annotation.
SMS tasks:
- SMS define criteria/ontology for ancillary taxonomic information
- Taxon redefine API arguments based on above