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This is version 1.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Present: Jim Beach, Robert Gales, Aimee Stewart, Bob Peet, Xianhua Liu, Nico Franz, Jessie Kennedy, Trevor Patterson, Susan Gauch, Laura Downey Agenda and Discussion: Planning for the February 15-17 Santa Barbara Meeting: Downey and Beach led off with a review of planning to date for the SB meeting which will focus on usability issues associated with SEEK-TAXON data provider community. Considerable discussion about the aimes and objectives of usability analysis Laura reviewed some of standard approaches and discussed the importance of obtaining a firm grounding in understanding the tasks and problems of users. Beach mentioned plans to invite 3-5 active taxonomists to the meeting, there was also discussion about the advisability to invite people from other communitiesm, such as data aggegrators, but the majority thought it best to wait.
Progress Update: Thau: Has departed SEEK for summer pastures and grad school in the Fall
Nico: Waiting to make contact with mammal taxonomists, constrained by a lack of a use case scenario for the BEAM mammals project. He will contact Mark Schildhauer and Deanna Pennington again and e-mail communications to the group.
Bob: transferring plant concepts into Excel and from there will put them into TCS soon will send data in TCS format to KU in January teleconferncing with Jessie about semantics of some element of the TCS Xinhua: put some sample concept data up on the SEEK-Taxon wiki Susan: Joanna (her graduate student) has left KU for Canada but promises a final version of the 4 OWL representations of the TCS. Replacing Joanna will wait until after the February meeting Trevor: Trevor is leaving Napier mid Feb 2005 to work with Dolly the cloned sheep, in the meantime working on acquiring mammals data and on various TCS issues. Aimee: Adding Hibernate to mix to create a generalized interface to the database Robert: Jim: Planning February meeting agenda, identifying and inviting guests
February meeting, February 15-17, NCEAS, Santa Barbara
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award 0225676. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Copyright 2004 Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics, University of New Mexico, The Regents of the University of California, and University of Kansas |