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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




All Hands Meeting 2005

Difference between version 89 and version 57:

Line 20 was replaced by line 20
- *** Taxon (Kennedy (TCS), Peet (ConceptMapper), Stewart (TOS))
+ *** Taxon (Kennedy)
Lines 51-54 were replaced by lines 51-54
- ** Taxon Breakout (Beach)
- *** Any remaining sub-project updates
- **** Xianhua, Concept Mapping and authoring tool: review of prototype, next steps.
- **** Martin, Collections visualization tool: review of prototype, next steps
+ ** Taxon Breakout (Beach) [Taxon Breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
+ *** Laura Downey, Going Forward Presentation from Estes Park
+ *** Xianhua Liu, Concept Mapping and authoring tool: review of prototype
+ *** Martin Graham, Collections visualization tool: review of prototype
At line 55 added 2 lines.
+ * 7:00pm __Group Dinner__, Location: Rock Bottom
Removed lines 57-60
- * 7:00pm __Group Dinner__, Location TBD
Lines 64-66 were replaced by lines 62-67
- ** [Kepler breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005KeplerAgenda]
- ** Taxon Breakout
- *** Kepler complete work flow discussion including Higgins, Pennington, integration of DiGIR and SMS in use case work flow
+ ** 8:30 Joint Session
+ ** 9:30 [Kepler breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005KeplerAgenda]
+ ** 9:30 [Taxon Breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
+ *** Taxon-Kepler Interaction Design and Engineering Discussion with Dan Higgins
+ **** Use case 1: GARP
+ **** Use case 2: Biodiversity
Line 69 was replaced by line 70
- ** SEEK-Taxon lunch, Franz, Stewart, Gales with CIPRES Miller, Jin, Lucie): Database common ground
+ ** SEEK-Taxon/CIPRES Project Lunch, Franz, Stewart, Gales with Miller, Jin, Lucie): Common ground
Removed line 72
- ** Taxon Breakout
Lines 74-76 were replaced by lines 74-78
- *** Extracting concepts from online sources (Susan, Aravind)
- *** Usability thread:(Laura)
- *** May Tutorial Workshop Planning, Pennington for Romanello-Katz, Beach
+ ** [Taxon Breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
+ *** Extracting taxonomic concepts from online taxonomic literature update (Susan Gauch, Aravind)
+ *** TOS Concept Data batch acquisition: roadblocks and options (All)
+ *** Status and review of Usability process:(Laura Downey powerpoint presentation)
+ *** Proposed May 2006 EOT Hands-On Workshop, Discussion, Deanna Pennington, Jim Beach
Line 114 was replaced by line 116
- ** Taxon Breakout
+ ** Taxon Breakout [Taxon Breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
Lines 116-117 were replaced by line 118
- *** May 2006 Taxon-oriented SEEK workshop, NM (with Deana)
- *** Future Plans: events, objectives, deliverables
+ *** Uber-discussion: 2006-2007 Vision, objectives, deliverables, roadmap, events
Lines 143-144 were replaced by lines 144-145
- ** Taxon Breakout
- *** Bob Peet leaves; Less critical items
+ ** Taxon Breakout [Taxon Breakout| AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
+ *** 1:00 PM Taxon meets SMS and KR 1 Hr. Bertram, Mark, et al.

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