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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep SMS Mar 05

Difference between version 28 and version 27:

Lines 117-127 were replaced by lines 117-128
- * Next steps
- ** Some datasets
- *** arc: lgcover2001
- *** gce: PLT-GCED-0409
- ** Use case: Reconstructing an Experiment
- **** Data Request Form:
- ****# Selected Sites with plants with only little or none secondary growth (shrubs) ... Herbacious dominated
- ****# Replicated Plots (to compute means)
- ****# Experimental manipulation of resources
- ****# Species specific abundance in some way
- ****#
+ * Some datasets
+ ** arc: lgcover2001
+ ** gce: PLT-GCED-0409
+ * Use case: Reconstructing an Experiment
+ ** Data Request Form:
+ ***# Selected Sites with plants with only little or none secondary growth (shrubs) ... Herbacious dominated
+ ***# Replicated Plots (to compute means)
+ ***# Experimental manipulation of resources
+ ***# Species specific abundance in some way
+ ***# At first, wanted time series, but then couldn't do it -- chose the most recent year
+ **

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