Removed lines 41-58 |
- !Getting Started Guide |
- __Kirsten__ |
- *Remove Appendix 8.2 “Technical Overview of Kepler” |
- *Change Figure 1 to an R workflow instead of addition workflow/move figure 1 up. |
- *Redo Figure 2 with Lotka Volterra Workflow. Move figure 2 up. |
- *Move sections 3 & 4 (installing and starting kepler) after section 1. |
- *Redo screenshots with colors and new workflows (for graphics folks; do basic images) |
- *Remove “Atomic” distinction (Actors and Composite Actors) |
- *Remove references to “ontologies”; use “categorization” instead.*Clarify Nested Composite Actors/Workflows (add line diagram and explanatory paragraph to “1.2. What are Scientific Workflows” section. Note: Introduce early and move figure lower in doc |
- *Add paragraph about who Kepler is for/advantages for different types of users (sharing workflows/advanced users; “quantitative analyst” background (run and param; follow logic of workflow). |
- *Clarify Data Actor (“widget that supplies the data/not the data”) |
- *Add paragraph with references to other systems (Stella; Simulink (kepler like), R, Matlab, Excel, SAS) |
- *Feedback due by end of next week (Sept 15) |
- *update note that most workflows require a network connection when running Kepler. Access resources that are on the network. |
- *Create a stand-alone glossary (actor, relation, token, float, double, data type, port, channel, relations, components, etc) |
- __Samantha__ |
- *Update section 5.3 Director and Actor Icons with most recent icon categories. (design docs on wiki have out-of-date icons; 3 all-the-actors actor in workflows directory also not up-to-date; photoshop doc Matt made?) |
- * create a list of all changes to screenshots and work with NCEAS/UCSB people on creating screenshots. |
Removed lines 60-61 |
- __Mark__ |
- *Make the listserv |
Removed lines 63-65 |
- __Dan__ |
- *Adding appendix about R (also looping and how to choose a director (DAN), creating composite actors, how to import non-EML data tab and comma delimited) & make footnote describing ALSO: R workflows have to be present in Kepler release. |
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