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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge





Difference between version 10 and version 3:

At line 3 added 3 lines.
+ [Notes from breakouts|KR SMS AHM Dec 2006 Breakout Notes]
Line 6 was replaced by line 9
- __OBOE Core__
+ __OBOE Core__
At line 9 added 2 lines.
+ ** Discussion of generic context property (e.g., Is context just a spatial and temporal property? Can it be used for mereological relationships?)
+ ** Are there specific extension points, and can their development progress independent of the core? (e.g., Will different core models have analygous extension points?)
Line 11 was replaced by line 16
- * ''Tasks'
+ * ''Tasks''
Line 17 was replaced by line 22
- __OBOE extensions__
+ __OBOE extensions__
At line 19 added 2 lines.
+ ** Reuse(cycle) existing ontologies (e.g., Rich Williams' ontologies and existing ontologies/standards)
+ *** GeoSpatial extensions (Serguei)
Removed line 26
- ** Reuse(cycle) existing ontologies (e.g., Rich Williams', existing ontologies?)
Line 36 was replaced by line 42
- ** Semantic annotation interchange language (Shawn)
+ ** [Semantic annotation interchange language|KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language] (Shawn)

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