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SEEK Documents

Difference between version 12 and version 11:

Line 74 was replaced by line 74
- * Nakazawa, Y., A. T. Peterson, E. Martinez-Meyer, and A. G. Navarro-Sigenza. 2004. Seasonal niches of NearcticNeotropical migratory birds: Implications for the evolution of migration. Auk, 121:610618.
+ * Nakazawa, Y., A. T. Peterson, E. Martinez-Meyer, and A. G. Navarro-Sigenza. 2004. Seasonal niches of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds: Implications for the evolution of migration. Auk, 121:610618.
Lines 81-82 were replaced by lines 81-82
- * Pennington, D. and Michener, W.K. [in press], The EcoGrid and the Kepler Workflow System: a new platform for conducting ecological analyses. ESA Bulletin (Emerging Technologies).
- * Pennington, D., Zhang, J., Altintas, I., et al. [submitted], Grid-enabled scientific analysis and modeling using the Kepler Workflow System. International Journal of Geographic Information Science.
+ * Pennington, D. and Michener, W.K. (in press), The EcoGrid and the Kepler Workflow System: a new platform for conducting ecological analyses. ESA Bulletin (Emerging Technologies).
+ * Pennington, D., Zhang, J., Altintas, I., et al. (submitted), Grid-enabled scientific analysis and modeling using the Kepler Workflow System. International Journal of Geographic Information Science.
Line 169 was replaced by line 169
- * Gales, R. L. and A. M. Stewart, 2004. [Software]. Taxonomic Object Service Version 1.0. Includes a taxonomic concept resolution interface that is publicly accessible from the web and a variety of clients (perl, python, java). This is an integrated product of the SEEK/taxon working group. The software is available from the SEEK CVS server and is distributed under an open source license. The service is accessible as a web service:
+ * Gales, R. L. and A. M. Stewart, 2004. Taxonomic Object Service Version 1.0. Includes a taxonomic concept resolution interface that is publicly accessible from the web and a variety of clients (perl, python, java). This is an integrated product of the SEEK/taxon working group. The software is available from the SEEK CVS server and is distributed under an open source license. The service is accessible as a web service:
Line 171 was replaced by line 171
- * Kukla, R. and J. Kennedy. 2004. [Software]. SEEK Taxonomic Concept Schema. Kukla, R. and J. Kennedy. 2004. SEEK Taxonomic Schema. Being submitted for consideration as a standard by the Taxonomic Data Working Group (TDWG). d?only_with_tag=EdinburghMeeting and
+ * Kukla, R. and J. Kennedy. 2004. SEEK Taxonomic Concept Schema. Kukla, R. and J. Kennedy. 2004. SEEK Taxonomic Schema. Being submitted for consideration as a standard by the Taxonomic Data Working Group (TDWG). d?only_with_tag=EdinburghMeeting and

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