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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Taxon Mtg_Nov 2004

Difference between version 32 and version 31:

Lines 28-32 were replaced by lines 28-38
- * What are our goals/values as a working group?
- * What progress have we made?
- * How do we make this a lasting success?
- ** momentum of Taxon work
- * How can we improve our interactions/efficiency?
+ * Vision
+ ** What are the research support/science impact objectives of SEEK-Taxon?
+ ** What are the five-year infrastructure objectives of the group?
+ *** In the context of SEEK's Case studies?
+ *** In the context of broader taxonomic data provider and user community engagement and interactions?
+ ** How do we sustain the new development and technical maintenance of SEEK-Taxon infrastrcture beyond five-years of ITR funding?
+ * Process
+ ** Are technical interactions within the group synergistic and all that they can be?
+ ** Can we increase the amount of design and software development collaboration?
+ ** How will SEEK-txon effectively collaborate with the other SEEK subgroups?
Line 48 was replaced by line 54
- * What is a concept? :)
+ * What IS a concept? :)

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