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Taxon WG Conference Call_19 Aug 2004

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

Lines 13-28 were replaced by line 13
- Teleconference:
- JK agreed that yes, Napier is considering that there are some assumptions/rules on how different
- groups (i.e. SEEK) would interpret the data from the schema. They will document these assumptions
- for later discussion.
- KU Email:
- The Assertion element name should be changed since it is already established as something
- different in Taxonomer. Perhaps something less ambiguous - Relationship, Link ...?
- Teleconference:
- Napier agrees that this is a problematic element name, but would prefer to address this issue
- after more discussion at the TDWG conference in October.
+ ;Teleconference: JK agreed that yes, Napier is considering that there are some assumptions/rules on how different groups (i.e. SEEK) would interpret the data from the schema. They will document these assumptions for later discussion.
Lines 30-37 were replaced by line 15
- KU Email:
- Metadata (and sub elements Creator and CreationTime) should be required
- Teleconference:
- Fine with Napier.
- KU Email:
- Define elements before they are referenced - so put Vouchers and Publications right after
+ ;KU Email: The Assertion element name should be changed since it is already established as something different in Taxonomer. Perhaps something less ambiguous - Relationship, Link ...?
Line 39 was replaced by line 17
- Metadata.
+ ;Teleconference: Napier agrees that this is a problematic element name, but would prefer to address this issue after more discussion at the TDWG conference in October.
Lines 41-45 were replaced by line 19
- Teleconference:
- Fine with Napier.
- KU Email:
- Add Repositories (before Vouchers) and AccordingTos (after Publications) and allow both of them to
+ ;KU Email: Metadata (and sub elements Creator and CreationTime) should be required
Line 47 was replaced by line 21
- be referenced.
+ ;Teleconference: Fine with Napier.
Lines 49-50 were replaced by line 23
- Teleconference:
- KU does not see these as elements receiving GUIDs, only elements that may be reused in a document.
+ ;KU Email: Define elements before they are referenced - so put Vouchers and Publications right after Metadata.
Line 52 was replaced by line 25
- Repositories sound fine to Napier, but they are not convinced that AccordingTos are an element that
+ ;Teleconference: Fine with Napier.
Line 54 was replaced by line 27
- will be reused much. KU would like AccordingTos, but does not see it as a key issue. We agreed to
+ ;KU Email: Add Repositories (before Vouchers) and AccordingTos (after Publications) and allow both of them to be referenced.
Line 56 was replaced by lines 29-30
- revisit this after more reaction at TDWG.
+ ;Teleconference:
+ KU does not see these as elements receiving GUIDs, only elements that may be reused in a document. Repositories sound fine to Napier, but they are not convinced that AccordingTos are an element that will be reused much. KU would like AccordingTos, but does not see it as a key issue. We agreed to revisit this after more reaction at TDWG.

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