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KR/SMS AHM Notes, Dec. 2006

Wednesday Breakout (Dec 13)

  • OBOE Core
    • Current status (Josh)
    • Open issues
      • Clarification of Entities and Measurement Standards (in particular, Classification Elements)
      • Other issues?
    • Tasks'
      • Documentation and examples
        • Compare to other approaches
        • Formally publish the ontology
        • A paper (ISEI)
        • Do we need another KR meeting

2 OBOE extensions / other ontologies

current status & open issues (Josh): - LTER Controlled Vocab - Collaborative (web-based) approach for extensions (e.g., Thinkcap) - What would the interface be - Complexity versus simplicity - Browsing/viewing ontologies - How to store/manage the ontologies - Additional Metadata - Reuse(cycle) existing ontologies (e.g., Rich Williams', existing ontologies?)

tasks: - finish up three different extension approaches - document and publish extensions - figure out additional extensions needed

3 Applications

current status: - semantic annotation interchange language - the oboe-web prototype - kepler tools

open issues: - interface design for oboe annotations - where should the oboe applications/demos live? (Kepler, Morhpo, Web, ...) - connecting up eml (metacat/morpho/kepler) and oboe - ontologies for annotating actor ports and annotation interface design (e.g., ontos based on oboe, simpe types?) - how should we extend the kepler tools, e.g., adding ontologies, using port annotations in search - overall KR/SMS architecture

tasks: - concrete demos showing advantages of KR/SMS - what tools do we want to work on in the next year - implementation plan (who will work on what ...)

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This particular version was published on 08-Dec-2006 16:26:59 PST by uid=bowers,o=SDSC.