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"Eco" ontologies
- In SEEK we want to exploit "eco" ontologies for semantic annotation of services to do "smart discovery and integration"
- Our solutions are meant to be generic, and applicable for KEPLER
Ontology Languages
- An ontology is a set of concept (class) names, subconcept (subclass) links, named (directed, binary) relationships between concepts, and constraints (cardinality, equivalence, conjunction, disjunction, etc.)
- In SEEK, we've adopted the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
Semantic Annotationa
- A semantic annotation assigns a 'selected item' to an ontology expression.
- Items
- Datasets: An entire dataset or some portion (a single table, one or more attributes, one or more data values, etc.)
- Workflows and components: A workflow, a workflow component, or some portion (parameters, ports, substructures of a port type, etc.).
- Item Selection
- Expressed in general as queries, however, simpler expressions can be used, e.g., XPath/XPointer addresses or possibly using EML identifiers
- Ontology Expressions
- An ontology expression defines the semantic "context" of the item selected
- Ontology expressions can be as complex as SQL-style update queries or simpler, e.g., as single concepts or paths in an ontology
- Path Example: Measurement.spatialContext.loc.latDeg specifies the location of a Measurement's spatialContext as a latitude in degrees
- Repositories
- Ontology(ies)
- Datasets (or metadata stating how to obtain the datasets)
- Workflows and Workflow Components (or metadata, etc.)
- Semantic Annotations
- "Smart discovery and integration" needs access to each of these components:
- For example, to search for a workflow component, the sms engine would search through semantic annotations, and when an annotation matches, obtain the corresponding component.
- You might also want to organize (for browsing) all actors according to their annotations; so need to iterate over actors, or similarly, for datasets.
- SMS-Based Applications
- Browsing/Keyword Search
- Workflow and/or dataset browsing and keyword-search based on ontology terms
- Find "compatible" actors
- Given an actor, find semantically compatible actors that can be connected as an input or output to the actor (this might result in a dataset as input, e.g.)
- Requires port inputs/outputs to be semantically annotated
- Workflow "analysis"
- Given a workflow, check that each connection (input/output) is semantically compatible.
- As part of analysis, annotation propagation ...
- Workflow-component structural integration
- Given two components that are semantically compatible, determine a structural transformation (either another component or a transformation step) to make them structurally compatible.
- May be a place where SCIA can contribute, to derive structural transformations.
- Dataset merging/integration
- Search for "similar" datasets (that could be potentially "merged" or integrated)
- Define a dataset of interest (via an ontology-style query), find/combine datasets as integrated "view".
- Perhaps a place for SCIA to contribute?
*** Ontology Editors/Browsers
*** Semantic Annotation Editor
*** Ontology-based query rewriting/answering
- "Smart" Actor Search in Kepler
A very simple keyword-based search implementation within Kepler.
Fakes out: workflow component LSIDs, an actor repository (as a
ptolemy xml config file), annotation repository (xml file), LSID
The "ontology" is a simple hierarchy. No rels, etc.
** Ontologies
There basically aren't any.
There also aren't any tools. No tools within Kepler.
** Repositories ...
The Obj. Mngr. can help! We don't have repositories for
workflows/components, ontologies, annotations, or datasets in
For annotations, need a searchable "index" of annotations and ids
(for components, datasets, etc.), and a mechanism to "retrieve"
those items.
For performance, I wonder though if the "index" should be in
** Semantic Annotation Editor
This doesn't exist either ... lots of ways/approaches here.
Need GUI design for this.
Also, need a good way to access/browse a component/dataset and its
attributes, such as is ports and their input/output types.
Similar with datasets
The challenges are making this tool easy to use, and accessible
within Kepler.
** Basic Kepler Interfaces / GUI Design
Like for searching, checking semantic compatibility (can steal
unit resolver), explanation of semantics (like for searching, etc.)