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RCN Training October 17302004

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As part of a NSF-funded Research Coordination Networking project, the Resource Discovery Initiative for Field Stations, one to two weeks of “free” hands-on training in information management and/or GIS will be offered for 20 OBFS individuals.

Location: Univeristy of New Mexico
Costs: The NSF support will be targeted to covering travel, food and lodging
Course space: the first 20 registrants; Only one space may be available for any given field station. Preference will be given to field stations that did not send someone last year.

Who should attend: Those personnel who are or will be active in developing, implementing, or expanding information management and/or capabilities at a field station or marine laboratory.


  1. Will I be ESRI certified after the GIS course? YES, if you pass with flying colors.
  2. Do I have to stay for both courses? NO, we recognize that 2 weeks is a VERY long time—that is why we are creating the opportunity to only go for 6-8 days depending on the session.
  3. It is possible to stay for both courses. YES
  4. What if I can only be there for part of one course? SORRY, you must attend the whole course.
  5. If I came last year, can I attend this year ? We won’t know until all registration forms are in as preference must necessarily be given to first-timers.

Registration Form:


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This particular version was published on 15-Jun-2004 09:15:33 PDT by LTER.sromanello.