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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




KR Meeting Jan 06

Difference between version 28 and version 16:

Line 13 was replaced by line 13
- 1. Observation ontology (OO) – Tuesday
+ 1. Observation ontology (ObsOnt) – Tuesday
Line 20 was replaced by line 20
- ** How should taxonomy be integrated?
+ ** How should taxonomy be integrated? (add a provisional component)
Lines 42-43 were replaced by lines 42-44
- ** Potential journals:
- ** TREE: brief overview of the important role ontologies will play in ecological research
+ * Potential journals:
+ ** Ecological Applications, Bioscience (others): Ontology guide for ecologists.
+ ** TREE: brief overview of the important role ontologies will play in ecological research (Use boxes for definitions and examples)
Line 78 was replaced by lines 79-82
- *
+ 10. Community effort
+ 11. Actor ontology and Kepler customization
At line 79 added 5 lines.
+ 12. Taxonomy
+ * Possible to use OWL for taxonomies?
+ * How to use taxonomies in Kepler?
+ * Define some of the most compelling use cases...
+ * Review of Dave's work
At line 80 added 1 line.
Lines 89-90 were replaced by lines 99-103
- * 8:30
- * 12:00 Lunch
+ * 9:00 - 11:00 Fleshed out agenda items
+ * 11:15 - ... Josh on observation ontology
+ ** Some [notes | KRMeetingJan06Notes]
+ ** More work on basic observation ontology
+ ** See [draft|]
At line 92 added 1 line.
Lines 95-97 were replaced by line 109
- * 8:30
- * 12:00 Lunch
+ * More on observation ontology; focus on units, dimensions, traits, measurements, etc.
At line 124 added 4 lines.
+ !!! Meeting Summary
+ Go here for a summary of the meeting and task deligation.

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