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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 19 July 2004

Difference between version 5 and version 4:

At line 75 added 17 lines.
+ !! Jenny Wang
+ Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
+ * Developed a translator that imports XML Schemas into the schema matching tool as Abstract Schemas. But the "Sequence" case in is not handled in an appropriate way yet. Also it may require changes to the abstract schema interface when going further on the design and implementation of schema morphisms.
+ * Modified the GUI to include an arrow panel for indicating where it is working on.
+ Current Work and Bugs:
+ * Work on 2 paper drafts
+ * Fix more bugs of the tool:
+ ** polish the arrow panel for indicating where it is working on in the GUI: adjustable as GUI changes, etc.
+ ** correctly handle union types of matches identified during matching process.
+ ** consistently highlight where user attention is needed.
+ * Implement abstract schemas and abstract schema morphisms to make the tool more general: focus on designing a schema morphism interface and implementing it.
+ Significant Issues:
+ * To include the path context in types emerges as a problem when designing and implementing schema morphism interface. This may require significant change to the abstract schema definition and its interface.

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