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Taxon Meeting_30 Jan 2006

Difference between version 23 and version 1:

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+ !JANUARY 30, 2006 SEEK Taxon Meeting, Nescent, Durham, NC
Lines 2-29 were replaced by lines 3-57
- !! Agenda for Jan 30-31 Taxon meeting
- Mon am/pm:
- * Martin's vizualization tool evaluation
- ** Thus far Alan Weakley & Patricia Gensel; other invitations pending
- * ConceptMappper evaluation w/ Taxon
- ** Bob will email out and include a scenario
- ** React, then walk through
- Mon pm/am:
- * Results of Jan 23 vizualization evaluation at KU
- * Kepler
- ** Jessie and Matt will propose revisions in EML for taxon identification
- ** Rob - stub actor until TOS stabilized
- *** user interaction limited to initial parameters for 1.0 release in April
- * Morpho
- * SPNHC (May 23-27, 2006)
- * ESA (August 6-11, 2006)
- * Update on projects
- * Review of project integration and where we need to be in 9 months
- Tues am:
- * Updates
- * GUIDs: minimum requirements and other issues (everyone read up!)
- ** Jessie will attempt to provide a draft in advance of the meeting
- * Abstracts from SEEK Taxon for the 5th Int. Conf. on Ecological Informatics
- ** Santa Barbara (December 4-7, 2006)
- ** []
- * Spill over from previous day
+ !! Monday Morning
+ ;Kepler Status:target user definition, no taxon specific topics at next meeting. will discuss API for Kepler to make integration easier. Look at future Kepler (non-SEEK) proposals. Bridge different ITRs. Target audience for Kepler will probably expand dramatically. Laura thinks Kepler user is domain scientist __combined__ with a programmer.
+ ;Kepler Actor: ENM workflow. Given a name, authority, return set of all names at specific rank below that. That list is then used to expand Digir query. Currently stubbed in - hardcodes and canned response, no TOS interaction. Just need to add 2 soap calls, then ready for ENM. Probably should have some interaction in 2 places: 1)allow to choose which concept to be root before traversing down to rank; 2) allow user to decide how to handle overlaps - selectively remove?.
+ ;:Similarities between Taxon and SMS. Same thing, but basically all done with database in Taxon. May Meeting - Taxon hash out decisions on our interactivity needs, then present to larger group
+ ;:Check with Deana about use case for Biodiversity
+ ;ConceptMapper Demo, React (10-12): import from __either__ TCS __or__ 3 tab delimited/csv files with specific fields.
+ * 11:30 SPNHC planning, ESA planning
+ Planning for ISEI, Dec, Santa Barbara
+ All hands Dec 10-15 SEEK
+ ;Update on projects:
+ !! Monday Afternoon
+ ;1-3.30 Taxon Tool Evaluation, Split into two rooms:
+ ;3.30-4.30 Summary of Taxon Visualization Evaluation: January 23 of Martin's viz tool
+ See Laura's report in cvs at:
+ Ecologists much more positive. Collection managers might benefit more from small plugin to Specify instead. Both groups really wanted some geographic functions integrated.
+ ;GUIDS:What gets a guid? Specimens - should go on biological object, not multiple treatments, preparations, etc. Possibly versions for different collection objects connected to same biological object.
+ ;Kepler:
+ ;EML Revisions:
+ ;Rob’s stub actor:
+ ;Morpho:
+ ;Review of Project Integration:
+ !! Tuesday morning
+ ;GUIDS: See Jessie's powerpoint
+ ;Kepler: After stable, Taxon group play with Taxon actor. Non-interactive version.
+ ;Remaining Issues: ESA (August 7-11) - will probably do something for booth
+ ;:Wed, 22 Feb 2006 (16:00 GMT) Taxon call - paper topics
+ ;:15 march 2006 (16:00 GMT) Taxon call
+ ;:18 April 2006 (16:00 GMT) Taxon call
+ ;: SEEK May meeting - 30 April - 5 May
+ ;:Data - will put MSW 1993 and 2005 into TOS, and ConceptMapper, then someone (Nico?) will map between them.

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