This is version 3.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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- Current status (Josh)
- Open issues
- Clarification of Entities and Measurement Standards (in particular, Classification Elements)
- Other issues?
- Tasks'
- Documentation and examples
- Compare to other approaches
- Formally publish the ontology
- A paper (ISEI)
- Do we need another KR meeting
OBOE extensions
- Current status & open issues (Josh)
- LTER Controlled Vocab (Corinna/Sree)
- Collaborative (web-based) approach for extensions (e.g., Thinkcap)
- What would the interface be
- Complexity versus simplicity
- Browsing/viewing ontologies
- How to store/manage the ontologies
- Additional Metadata
- Reuse(cycle) existing ontologies (e.g., Rich Williams', existing ontologies?)
- Tasks
- finish up three different extension approaches
- document and publish extensions
- figure out additional extensions needed
- Current status
- Semantic annotation interchange language (Shawn)
- The oboe-web prototype (Shawn/Josh)
- Kepler tools (Shawn/Josh)
- Open issues
- Interface design for oboe annotations
- Where should the oboe applications/demos live? (Kepler, Morhpo, Web, ...)
- Connecting up eml (metacat/morpho/kepler) and oboe
- Ontologies for annotating actor ports
- Annotation interface design (e.g., ontos based on oboe, simpe types?)
- Extending the kepler tools, e.g., adding ontologies, using port annotations in search
- An overall KR/SMS architecture
- Tasks
- Concrete demos showing advantages of KR/SMS
- What tools do we want to work on in the next year
- Implementation plan (who will work on what ...)