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KRSMSAHM Dec 2006 Breakout Notes

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Questions and Notes from the KR/SMS Breakouts at SEEK AHM 2006

  • Can OBOE enable reasoning (e.g., to find inconsistencies) between domain extensions
  • How to integrate SEEK taxonomic concepts for OBOE
    • what are the issues?
    • where does the connection go in OBOE (e.g., as classification elements)?
    • what is being modeled in OBOE versus in tax-concepts
  • What are the ways to leverage OBOE for domain extensions
    • elaborate extension points explicitly
    • allow one to create a new ontology that maps an existing domain ontology to OBOE

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This particular version was published on 13-Dec-2006 10:42:04 PST by uid=bowers,o=SDSC.