Advisory Committee Composition
Action Items
SEEK Science and Technology Advisory Board
To provide strategic advice on the scientific and technical vision of SEEK, and to evaluate the relevance of our goals for addressing critical research and societal issues in biodivesity and ecological sciences.
Things we don't expect them to do:
- Manage or oversee the project
- Scientific Evaluation and Recommendation
- Technical Evaluation and Recommendation
- Jim Edwards (GBIF)
- Linda Sacks (BIOSIS)
- Larry Smarr (UCSD; CalIT2)
- Gladys Cotter (NBII)
- John Marchioni (Moore)
- Gustavo Fonseca (CI)
- Vanderlei Canhos (CRIA; Sao Paolo Env Informatics non-profit)
- Gary Hartshorn (AIBS, ESA, OTS)
- Michael A. Keller (Stanford; Highwire Press)
- Paul Uhlir (NAS)
- David Skole (Michigan State)
- (ESRI)
- Digital library
- Business person (CIO Oracle, etc)
- Education person
- NatureServe (Bruce Stein, Mary Klein, Larry Sugarbaker)
- Helen Berman (PDB; Rutgers)
- Peter Murray-Rust (Cambridge; CML)
- Malcolm Atkinson (UK Grid)
- Possible discussion with some members at GBIF board meeting
(April 28 - May 2, 2003 Copenhagen, Denmark)
- All-hands meeting (October 22 - 26, 2003)
- Letter to GBIF (Beach) Underway 13 Feb: Membership request pending for PBI, info from Edwards on GB6 meeting rec'd, Edwards confirmed STAB membership
- Letter to PIs about Adv Board Composition (Michener)
- Invitations to Adv Board (Michener and exec review)
- Email post-cut budget FTEs and their associations to Matt (All)
- Finalize agenda for PI mtg (Matt, Bill)
- Bill mails CODATA outline to relevant parties
- Matt cleans up EcoGrid design diagram
- Scott Downie will set up a SEEK Project DAV server at KU that works for non-versioned binary files (Docs, PowerPoints, etc.) for SEEK Project use, must work with Windows and Unix clients (Underway 13 Feb). Scott will also set up a permanent home for Wiki pages (using Zope), meeting minutes will be recorded using VNC on the meeting secretary's computer. Scott will add authentication to wiki server and will talk to Matt and Rob Dewhirst about NCEAS LDAP-KU Active Directory synchronization, or we all will just use NCEAS LDAP server logins.