This is version 13.
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- Kepler group
- Design of user interface, including new browsing interfaces for left panels and new interface for configuring a data query (see actor*.jpg screenshots
and Query builder
- Significant contention on how this design process should proceed. Some people are arguing that our design and development process needs to be much more formal, and that it needs to start from ground zero, making no asssumptions about how users should work with the software (i.e., do not take Kepler as a basis for design).
- New biodiversity actors available in Kepler
- KR/SMS Group
- Continued work on Growl ontology editor. Need to assess how this will be integrated with other applications like Kepler, and whether it is targeted correctly for our users.
- Continued work on schema matching tool. Need to assess how this will be integrated with other tools -- can it play a role in the Kepler software?
- EcoGrid group
- Started considering the write (put) interface for EcoGrid
- Taxon group
- Franz and Peet manuscript available for review
- Question: have the issues surrounding use of GUID on relationships been resolved?
Completed tasks/bugs fixed
- fixed bug introduced into junit tests from fixing the parser
- wrote a templating system for creating junit tests
- installed and configured AnthillPro nightly build system for kepler
Current Work and Bugs
- rework screenshots for bug 1546
- participating in the seek-dev discussion of kepler UI issues
Significant issues
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
- Finished dynamic PDF generation of revision proposals
- Designed concept revision online proceedings
Current Work and Bugs:
- developing concept revision online proceedings
Significant Issues
Completed tasks/bugs fixed
- Added static/manual layout mode (!!!). Layout engine can be turned on and off as user desires. This is very usefull during editing.
- Created icons for editing toolbox and for the toolbar. Growl looks better now (see screenshot attached)
- Several enhansements to owl-dl compliance function, that facilitate faster graphic editing
Current Work and Bugs
- Still workning on owl-dl compliance function, specifically on handling relations “are same”, “are equvalent”, “are different”, etc.
- Need to finish metadata panel
Significant issues
- Icons in editing toolbox/ editing operations should be sufficiently intuitive for domain expert users and perhaps the icons should be more artistic. For this end feedback is requred and this week I am planing to send around the alpha version of growl with preliminary editing functionality.
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
- Example workflow which calculates a variety of biodiversity indices was checked in with bug fixes and simplified workflow. Also checked in a example which used a new actor which reads string tables to provide input for the biodiversity index calculator actor.
- Checked out the new Mac fixes provided by Christopher Brooks (Works for me!)
Current Work and Bugs:
- Continuing work on various R actor(s)
- Looking into GIS (Grass?) integration
Significant Issues
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
Current Work and Bugs:
- Installing metacat ecogrid semi-production node in NCEAS
- Implementaion of data query in kepler.
Significant Issues
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
- Developed a translator that imports XML Schemas into the schema matching tool as Abstract Schemas. But the "Sequence" case in is not handled in an appropriate way yet. Also it may require changes to the abstract schema interface when going further on the design and implementation of schema morphisms.
- Modified the GUI to include an arrow panel for indicating where it is working on.
Current Work and Bugs:
- Work on 2 paper drafts
- Fix more bugs of the tool:
- polish the arrow panel for indicating where it is working on in the GUI: adjustable as GUI changes, etc.
- correctly handle union types of matches identified during matching process.
- consistently highlight where user attention is needed.
- Implement abstract schemas and abstract schema morphisms to make the tool more general: focus on designing a schema morphism interface and implementing it.
Significant Issues:
- To include the path context in types emerges as a problem when designing and implementing schema morphism interface. This may require significant change to the abstract schema definition and its interface.
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed
Current work and Bugs
- Helped with critique of Kepler UI for ontology-based browsing and Query UI
- Working on patch release of EML (2.0.1)
- Working on demo of Kepler for meeting next week
- Helped configure new Ecogrid production server
Significant issues
- Contention about how to design the UI is becoming an issue. Some people are arguing that our design and development process needs to be much more formal, and that it needs to start from ground zero, making no asssumptions about how users should work with the software (i.e., do not take Kepler as a basis for design).
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
Current Work and Bugs:
- Bug 1618 - Fix current database representation of a taxon concept's rank
- Database model designed
- Currently, fixing the database related code to incorporate the changes
Significant Issues
Completed tasks/bugs fixed
Current Work and Bugs
- Working on integrating tests for each piece of the Taxonomic Exchange Parser. When this is complete, bug 1617, bug 1619, and bug 1620 will be complete.
Significant issues
Completed Tasks/Bugs Fixed:
Current Work and Bugs:
- Completing manuscript with co-author (Peet). It's in principle available (should anyone care already).
Significant Issues
Completed Tasks/Bugs Fixed:
Current Work and Bugs:
- re-read the design document of Ecogrid's put API.
- working on the gwsdl for Ecogfrid's put operation.
Significant Issues:
- I am not sure if I need to continue my data integration work for Niche Modeling data. I uploaded Niche Modeling data into SRB and created a SRB version of pgm_cut which works very well. Unfortunately there are different opinions about moving the approach into ecogrid level. I personally think it is worth thinking as how we split workloads to server side and client side (especially Kepler actors).
Completed tasks/bugs fixed
- structured feedback from meeting and tried to pinpoint critical issues
- visited IPNI people in London and analysed results of meeting
- engaged in discussion about schema issues Gregor, Donald (publications, names)
- set up TDWG wiki page to facilitate discussion
- added new elements to schema/restructured it in answer to comments at meeting; this created several possible versions which are still under discussion:
- ways to facilitate storage of name info that does not pertain to concepts
- options for different publication schemas
- store versions/different views
- introduced abstract types to schema (e.g. for Names/TaxonEntities)
- investigate use of namespace for unified schema
Completed Tasks/ Bugs Fixed:
- Put up alpha version of the Query Builder for comment
Current Work and Bugs:
- Continued on Bug 1595 - Create Advance Query Builder UI
- Work on the generation of SQL
Significant issues
* None
You can see the status reports for other time periods as well.