This is version 3.
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Reports are being submitted and will be summarized on Tuesday.
If you just submitted a report, it will be at the bottom of this page.
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Submitted SSDBM manuscript on semantic tools in Kepler with Berkeley, Tao, Schildhauer, Bowers, and Ludaescher
- Contributed to 3 other SSDBM papers with Romanello, Michener, Brunt, Servilla, and Cushing on SEEK, the Metacat Harvester, and IM in LTER
- Held a Kepler Developer's workshop in Juneau, AK where we developed a roadmap for work for the next six months
- Held training workshop on KNB and SEEK tools for data managers at the LTER network office
- Submitted an NSF proposal with Schildhauer, Ludaescher, Bowers, and others to extend Kepler to have far better support for real-time data
- Participated in a Data Registries workshop at UNM to address the development and deployment of data systems for environmental societies such as ESA
- Developed proposed 'Object Manager' for Kepler that changes how Kepler interacts with local and remote objects and makes it more uniform to support remote 'actor repositories' and other features. See
Current tasks / bugs
- Working on Frontiers manuscript regarding metadata and data tools and ARES manuscript on ecoinformatics
- Participating in working group to help design NEON IT infrastructure
- With Michener, trying to organize a cross-observatory working group to plan a common vision for environmental cyberinfrastructure
- Beginning recruitment for new KR postdoc at UCSB and new software developer at Kansas
- Working on design of grid-execution strategy for Kepler (see
Current tasks / bugs
- Working on getting the kepler nightly build system going again.
- Wrote a rough draft spec for the KSW file format. This format will allow workflows to be bundled with their data and services in kepler.
- Have also started working on the Kepler Object Manager.
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Cleaned up kepler jar collection by removing duplicates
- Created kepler1.0.0-alpha4_1 installers due to bug in alpha4 installers (minor update to fix query bug that had appeared in alpha4 release)
- Added several new pure Java GIS actors for use in Kepler/GARP. These include: GISHullActorJ (Java version of GISHullActor; returns a file of ConvexHull points);CVHull2Raster (Java equivalent of GISRastorActor; creates asc grid);MergeGrids (combines 2 grids; extent is union, values are averages, sum, etc.)
Current tasks / bugs
- Currently working on better R-integration and more stable examples; discovered how to invoke R on Windows, Mac, and Linux using same command
- Working on understanding of custom classloaders for use in kepler archives (.ksw files)
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- bug 1834 search progress bar does not work on OSX
- bug 1896 Get metadata of data package in data search result panel
- Kepler can search eml201 document
Current tasks / bugs
- Bug1889 EML2 data source actor need handle mutiple data entity
Current tasks / bugs
- Writing
- Constructing NPP/biomass concept maps
- KR/SMS/BEAM meeting in Davis - logistics & misc communication regarding
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- For the last 2 months I have been working on Jena based version of GrOWL -now it is up and runing
- I wrote loading code (File to Jena to Graph)
- Debuged it
- Debuged Rich's saving code (Graph to Jena to File)
- Added layout saving - now GrOWL uses static layout as default and uses TG layout only when layout map for a given file is missing
- Checked Jena based version with a few big ontologies
Current tasks / bugs
Significant issues
- Jena performance (memory consumption) is a significant issue - It was difficult to learn what helps and here is my experience: Use ExtendedIterator instead of Iterator and do not forget to close it, Use forced garbage collection after having done with OntModel, These things help but still I wish it were a bit faster. Does anyone know any other tricks?
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Made suggestions (together with Robert Peet, Jessie Kennedy, Xianhua Liu and others) to improve the structure of the Taxonomic Concept Schema during SBA SEEK Taxon meetings.
Current tasks / bugs
- Working a comprehensive and well-structured list of Code-prescribed relationships among names and concepts.
- Putting together some examples with high-quality concepts and relationships to be represented in Martin Graham's visualization tool.
- Will continue along with others to scope SEEK Taxon tool for viewing and editing concepts and their relationships.
- Working with Napier and UNC on two publications.
- Writing a primer (now mainly) for Kate Jones (U Columbia) to provide bat concepts and relationships for BEAM niche modeling project.
Significant issues
- None, other than advancing those publications...
You can see the status reports for other time periods as well.