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Taxon Meeting_30 Jan 2006

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JANUARY 30, 2006 SEEK Taxon Meeting, Nescent, Durham, NC

Monday Morning

Kepler Status
target user definition, no taxon specific topics at next meeting. will discuss API for Kepler to make integration easier. Look at future Kepler (non-SEEK) proposals. Bridge different ITRs. Target audience for Kepler will probably expand dramatically. Laura thinks Kepler user is domain scientist combined with a programmer.

Kepler Actor
ENM workflow. Given a name, authority, return set of all names at specific rank below that. That list is then used to expand Digir query. Currently stubbed in - hardcodes and canned response, no TOS interaction. Just need to add 2 soap calls, then ready for ENM. Probably should have some interaction in 2 places: 1)allow to choose which concept to be root before traversing down to rank; 2) allow user to decide how to handle overlaps - selectively remove?.

Similarities between Taxon and SMS. Same thing, but basically all done with database in Taxon. May Meeting - Taxon hash out decisions on our interactivity needs, then present to larger group

Check with Deana about use case for Biodiversity

ConceptMapper Demo, React (10-12)
import from either TCS or 3 tab delimited/csv files with specific fields.

  • 11:30 SPNHC planning, ESA planning

Planning for ISEI, Dec, Santa Barbara

All hands Dec 10-15 SEEK

Update on projects

Monday Afternoon

1-3.30 Taxon Tool Evaluation, Split into two rooms

3.30-4.30 Summary of Taxon Visualization Evaluation
January 23 of Martin's viz tool
See Laura's report in cvs at: Ecologists much more positive. Collection managers might benefit more from small plugin to Specify instead. Both groups really wanted some geographic functions integrated.

What gets a guid? Specimens - should go on biological object, not multiple treatments, preparations, etc. Possibly versions for different collection objects connected to same biological object.


EML Revisions

Rob’s stub actor


Review of Project Integration

Tuesday morning



Remaining Issues
ESA (august) - will probably do something for booth
Next conference calls
Wed, 22 Feb 2006 (16:00 GMT) paper topics
15 march 2006 (16:00 GMT)
18 April 2006 (16:00 GMT)
SEEK May meeting - 30 April - 5 May
Data - will put MSW 1993 and 2005 into TOS, and ConceptMapper, then someone (Nico?) will map between them.

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This particular version was published on 31-Jan-2006 08:23:46 PST by KU.stewart.