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Use Case 8

Use Case 8: Display Concept Connections Dynamically - Partial or Entire Classifications


Primary Actor
most likely an individual researcher, ecologist analyzing "legacy data" or (more commonly) taxonomist, or anyone interested in viewing entire sets of classificatory changes through time.


Very similar to the Use Case providing a dynamic perspective on individual concept lineages. The main difference is that now a more comprehensive view is offered (in terms of numbers of taxonomic concepts involved), treating partial or entire classifation systems. Example: the changes from one comprehensive monograph of hickory trees to another, each recognizing 50+ valid species concepts (not just the individual concept lineage of "Carya ovata (Miller) K. Koch sec. Stone, FNA 1997"). A rather impressive example of how this might look like is presented in Graham et. al. 2002 (Taxon 51: 351-358, see especially the screen shots on pp. 354-357, available at

Flow of Events


  • The Primary Actor has selected at least two entire sets of taxonomic concepts, pertaining e.g. to independent comprehensive treatments of similar taxa.

Basic Flow

  1. Having specified the relevant and internally coherent sets of taxonomic concepts, the Primary Actor now selects an option "display synonymy and parent/child connections among classifications dynamically".
  2. In the Use Case considered here, the returned listing should only include "expert-made" connections among concepts. If probabilistically calculated concept connections are provided as well, then the matching algorithm would certainly have to take more variables (such as logical incompatibilities of alternative connections among nested classifications) into consideration than required for the "token" one-to-one concept connecting.
  3. A textual and/or visual display is returned to the user, illustrating the changes in the lateral (synonymy) and vertical (parent/child) concept connections from one classification system to another, etc., in the correct temporal sequence.
  4. Depedending on the scope of each connected classification system, the display might be presented in one summary and/or in multiple segments.
  5. Based on the results, the user can now understand and communicate the extent of changes among authoritative treatments of similar taxa.


See screen shots of the Apiaceae examples in Graham et al. 2002 (see URL above).


This Use Case will assist "experts" in manually adding connections among concepts stored in the SEEK Taxon database that did not exist before.

Alternative Flows

  • See Use Case on dynamic relations among individual concept lineages.

Further Details

See other Use Cases involving or expanding on queries.

Non-functional Requirements

Digital availability of the relevant information. This is a powerful way to visualize the evolution of classifications.


See comments on Use Case to display individual concept lineages. This is not a short-term project.


26 March 2004
(NMF) Use Case created from previous Word document.

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