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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




20050926 Project

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

Removed lines 3-4
- \\
- \\Use pairwise experiment-within blocks
Lines 6-10 were replaced by lines 4-18
- \\calculate dissimilarity (e.g. Euclidean distance)
- \\Dc = dissimilarity among control plots
- \\Dn = dissimilarity among treated plots
- \\compare Dc to Dn
- \\Dc >? Dn
+ \\
+ *Use pairwise experiment-within blocks
+ **calculate dissimilarity (e.g. Euclidean distance)
+ **D1 = C1 compared to N1
+ **D2 = C2 compared to N2
+ **calculate variability in D1:n
+ \\
+ *Dissimilarity between blocks:
+ **Dc = dissimilarity among control plots
+ **Dn = dissimilarity among treated plots
+ **compare Dc to Dn
+ **Dc = Dn (null hypothesis)
+ **Dc >? Dn (alternative hypothesis)
+ \\
+ **plot D against productivity (P)
Line 12 was replaced by lines 20-23
- \\plot D against productivity (P)
+ *How to measure dissimilarity?
+ **this is basically beta diversity (B)

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