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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Action Items

Difference between version 3 and version 2:

At line 50 added 58 lines.
+ !!!User Manual Outline
+ *Create a list of common problems encountered when building workflows and types of solutions This material will be incorporated into Section 5 “Building Workflows with Existing Actors” (developers make list).
+ *Create an R actor that takes CSV/tab delimited data files and parses them. This will be used when we talk about working with local data in Section 6 “Working with Datasets” (Dan)
+ *Update the Outline
+ **the Expression Actor is important and should be highlighted.
+ **Section 4
+ ***Move section 4.5.4 & 4.5.5. down to section 5. (section 5.4)
+ ***In section 4.4.2. Mention R actor as type of actor to customize
+ **Section 5
+ ***Change this section title to “”
+ ***Add information about looping, expression actor, other common workflow problems and solutions based on the list of problems/solutions/techniques compiled by the developers.
+ ***Remove all Build new actor docs and place in appendix, developer reference, or separate chapter.
+ ***5.4-5.4.6 Should go into a separate developers’ guide or an appendix. “Developing new actors with Java”
+ ***Move 5.4.8 down to 5.8.
+ ***5.5 Call section “Documenting Workflows”
+ ***5.7 & 5.8 combine “Saving and Sharing Workflows”
+ ***Save to Library (for self); Save as KAR (for someone else); Upload to the repository (for the public)
+ ***NEW section 5.5.3 Need to add “semantically annotating actors”
+ ***Remove 5.8.2. Creating Applets
+ **Section 6
+ ***need to open with general intro to data types and incorporate spatial data/other data types in addition to local/remote distinction. Basic/new structure for chapter noted below. Note that you cannot open an Excel spreadsheet directly.
+ ***6.1. Start with introduction on Handling Data Intro: overview of different kinds of data/many kinds available/easy to access/etc
+ ***6.1.1. should be “Ecological Metadata Language”
+ ***6.1.2. ADN (geon uses) Metadata; Remove Darwin Core is not metadata (it is data format);
+ ***Move 6.2 after 6.3/or interweave with 6.3. and 6.5.
+ New Structure:
+ A. Tabular (rows & columns)
+ 1. Using local data (opening Comma, tab, text delimited file)
+ 2. Opening local with EML
+ 3. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
+ 4. Getting data external database
+ 5. Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
+ 6. Parsing more complex text data formats (recognition that are other formats; make suggestions for how to deal with them. General advice)
+ B. Spatial (image handling, too)
+ 7. Using local data
+ 8. Opening local with EML
+ 9. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
+ 10. Getting data external database
+ 11. Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
+ 12. What do with spatial data different from tabular data
+ C. Other Data Types
+ 1. Sequence Type (Gene & Protein sequences)
+ Mention: but do not note in outline: Streaming Data (sensor data ORBs; or sensor data in Oracle)
+ **Section 7
+ ***Rename section 7 “Using Remote Computing Resources”
+ ***7.1. Using Web Services
+ ***7.2. Using Computational Grids (NIMROD, Globus, Griddles)
+ (current 7.1. moved inside this section)
+ ***Remove 7.4
+ **Section 8
+ ***Add 8.1a Expression Actor (before R chapter)
+ ***Add 8.3. MatLab subchapter
+ ***8.1.4. place the R GSG Appendix R material here.
+ ***Add: 8.3. Image data (ways to manipulate images)-- ImageJ, Rescaling, clipping, color balance, alpha value out.
+ **Section 9:
+ ***Rename section 9 “Domain Specific Example Workflows”
+ ***Revise so that this section consists of an intro for each domain/then work through examples.

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