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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Action Items

Difference between version 4 and version 3:

Lines 76-93 were replaced by lines 76-92
- New Structure:
- A. Tabular (rows & columns)
- 1. Using local data (opening Comma, tab, text delimited file)
- 2. Opening local with EML
- 3. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
- 4. Getting data external database
- 5. Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
- 6. Parsing more complex text data formats (recognition that are other formats; make suggestions for how to deal with them. General advice)
- B. Spatial (image handling, too)
- 7. Using local data
- 8. Opening local with EML
- 9. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
- 10. Getting data external database
- 11. Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
- 12. What do with spatial data different from tabular data
- C. Other Data Types
- 1. Sequence Type (Gene & Protein sequences)
+ ***New Structure:
+ ****A. Tabular (rows & columns)
+ *****1. Using local data (opening Comma, tab, text delimited file)
+ *****2. Opening local with EML
+ *****3. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
+ *****4. Getting data external database
+ *****5. Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
+ *****6. Parsing more complex text data formats (recognition that are other formats; make suggestions for how to deal with them. General advice)
+ ****B. Spatial (image handling, too)
+ *****7. Using local data
+ *****8. Opening local with EML
+ *****9. Finding and opening documented data (remote/EcoGrid)
+ *****10.Getting data external database
+ *****11.Other kinds of data (SRB, system specific actors)
+ *****12.What do with spatial data different from tabular data
+ ****C. Other Data Types
+ ****1. Sequence Type (Gene & Protein sequences)

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