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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 20 September 2004

Difference between version 7 and version 4:

Lines 6-7 were replaced by lines 6-20
- Reports are being submitted and will be summarized on Tuesday.
- If you just submitted a report, it will be at the bottom of this page.
+ * Kepler group
+ ** The new QueryBuilder has now been incorporated into Kepler and allows arbitrary SQL queries against EML-described data sources that can be downloaded from EcoGrid
+ ** Discussing significant overhaul to how the underlying file management infrastructure for Kepler works so that we can better manage Kepler actors and composite actors on disk and EcoGrid
+ * KR/SMS group
+ ** More editing enhancements to [Growl]
+ * EcoGrid group
+ ** Working on registry implementation, registry incorporation in Kepler, and DarwinCore result support in Kepler
+ * Taxon group
+ ** Continued work on the Taxonomic Concept editor application
+ ** Preparing for TDWG meeting presentations
+ ** Further work on getting LSID server running
Line 68 was replaced by line 81
- ** Completed initial phase of work,__Added data cache and created a cache viewer
+ ** Completed initial phase of work, added data cache and created a cache viewer

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