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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Status Report 15 November 2004


Reports are being submitted and will be summarized on Tuesday. If you just submitted a report, it will be at the bottom of this page.

Individual Reports


Completed tasks / bugs fixed

  • Concept dataset of plants for demo
    • Pre-processed the data from Kartesz's work on the comparison between his plant concepts and FNA's and some others'
    • Scaned taxon name froms the index pages of Isely's book - Native and Naturalized Leguminosae(Fabaceae) of the United States, and recognized them using OCR. An word document of about 4000 names (including accepted scientific names, synonyms) has been created.

Current tasks / bugs

  • Creating concept dataset of plants for demo
    • Check the spellings of those taxon names scaned from Isely's book and recognized by OCR
    • Generate an algorithm to parse the names in the word document into a database with formally-defined concepts and explicitly-assigned concept relationships.

Rod Spears

Completed tasks / bugs fixed

  • Changed the DarwinCoreDataSource to cache the data records as an ascii SVN type table, is now be loaded into the HSQL engine like its EML200DS counterpart. This means you can now do a "Look Inside" and bring up the QueryBuilder to further filter the results
  • THIS IS SIGNIFICANT: Changed the DarwinCore code to convert any "null" or "nil" value (meaning empty string) that is suppose to represent an int, long, float, or double and have it convert them into ther maximum representation for that number. Meaning a integer that is "" will be converted to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
    • This enables me to filter out any records that have an empty Latitude or Longitude by doing an HSQL query for values less than 360.0 or 180 or whatever.
  • Found and fixed a couple of SQL egeneration errors in the QB that was preventing us from specifiying more complex "where" clauses.

Current tasks / bugs

  • Finish up my bug for the Garp pipeline

Significant issues

  • See second bullet above

dave thau

Completed tasks / bugs fixed

  • looked at digir for information rich mammal taxa

Current tasks / bugs

  • metacat lsid server

Rich Williams

Completed tasks / bugs fixed

  • Edited GrOWL paper

Current tasks / bugs

  • Continuing ontology updating and adding documentation

Serguei Krivov

Completed tasks / bugs fixed

  • added filter object-function to TG that would allow passing complex filtering conditions to TG expressed in terms of GrOWL classes and functions
  • added "focus on ID feild" for newly created nodes

Current tasks / bugs

  • designing graphic query language
  • started writing Jena interface

Significant issues

  • we have just released the final draft of growl paper that goes shortly to the journal of web semantics. Any feedback will be highly appreciated

Deana Pennington

Current tasks / bugs

  • Working on agenda and logistics for Dec BEAM meeting
  • Creating EML for future climate scenario data

Bing Zhu

Current tasks / bugs

  • modify add registry operation in Ecogrid registry service
  • implement pgm_cut algorithm in Ecogrid get operation for Kepler WhyWhere app

Other Status Reports

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This page last changed on 15-Nov-2004 15:53:05 PST by NCEAS.jones.