This is version 2.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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- Remove Appendix 8.2 “Technical Overview of Kepler”
- Change Figure 1 to an R workflow instead of addition workflow/move figure 1 up.
- Redo Figure 2 with Lotka Volterra Workflow. Move figure 2 up.
- Move sections 3 & 4 (installing and starting kepler) after section 1.
- Redo screenshots with colors and new workflows (for graphics folks; do basic images)
- Remove “Atomic” distinction (Actors and Composite Actors)
- Remove references to “ontologies”; use “categorization” instead.*Clarify Nested Composite Actors/Workflows (add line diagram and explanatory paragraph to “1.2. What are Scientific Workflows” section. Note: Introduce early and move figure lower in doc
- Add paragraph about who Kepler is for/advantages for different types of users (sharing workflows/advanced users; “quantitative analyst” background (run and param; follow logic of workflow).
- Clarify Data Actor (“widget that supplies the data/not the data”)
- Add paragraph with references to other systems (Stella; Simulink (kepler like), R, Matlab, Excel, SAS)
- Feedback due by end of next week (Sept 15)
- update note that most workflows require a network connection when running Kepler. Access resources that are on the network.
- Create a stand-alone glossary (actor, relation, token, float, double, data type, port, channel, relations, components, etc)
- Update section 5.3 Director and Actor Icons with most recent icon categories. (design docs on wiki have out-of-date icons; 3 all-the-actors actor in workflows directory also not up-to-date; photoshop doc Matt made?)
- create a list of all changes to screenshots and work with NCEAS/UCSB people on creating screenshots.
- Adding appendix about R (also looping and how to choose a director (DAN), creating composite actors, how to import non-EML data tab and comma delimited) & make footnote describing ALSO: R workflows have to be present in Kepler release.
- Create guidelines for how to write documentation for actors and Sam to place on Wiki
- Must note dependencies in the actor docs
- R actors need R installed
- GRASS actors need GRASS installed
- Matlab needs Matlab installed; command line actor depends on system-specific executables and is operating-system specific.
- Web Service actor: Update copy to reflect that the actor only works for a subset of WSDL constructs. Only ones that use base types for parameters or arrays of base types. “Intended to work on any web service with certain limitations, in particular related to the types of parameters that are used as input and output to Web Service.” Define “Web Service” in first paragraph e.g., “which is a… computer program that runs on a remote host using a standardized protocol.”
- Random Normal actor: this uses R norm and hist function—add note “For a full detailed desc. of how this actor works, look at R norm docs”
- AddGrids actor: Revise to say that actor takes “two or more geospatial images”/less jargon-y. Update desc. about file formats—it is not generically true that all actors use ESRI ASCII file format (e.g., not true for Interpolate actor)
- EOL actors (“Encyclopedia of Life”) are not active any more and will likely be removed.
- Boolean Multiplexor actor: Revise to include context (used as a control flow actor/for branching) Suggested first sentence: “The Boolean Multiplexor uses a Boolean value to determine which of two input values to output.”
- Boolean Switch actor. Needs more context; only works under certain directors (SDF does not work; PN does work)
- Expression actor: Change to read “actor evaluates a specified expression”
- send email on VariableSetter(developer to look at and clarify how this actor works)
- send email to Efrat to document*TransitiveClosureDatabaseQuery
- send email to Christopher to review Image Contrast actor documentation to clarify
- send email to Jianting to generalize actor and redocument ENM PCP actor without reference to niche model (PCP==Parallel Coordinates Plot).
- clarify Interpolator actor
- Directors (SDF, PN, etc) Need more of a functional description.