This is version 1.
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Reports are being submitted and will be summarized on Tuesday.
If you just submitted a report, it will be at the bottom of this page.
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Implemented TCBE as an Applet
- Implemented TCBE Applet-Concept Servlet communication
- Implemented ServletProxy to offer taxonomic concept data servises
- Established a server to host ServletProxy using Sun Java System Application Server
Current tasks / bugs
- Studying other solutions of TCBE, like tree-style browser from North American Mammal, html form-based browser & editor from MoReTax
Significant issues
- Two types of editings for taxonomic database
- Database maintenance: general data maintaining operations - adding new record, deleting record & editing existing record. This type of editing is performed on existing concepts and will not create any new concepts or relationships, and could be undertaken by a data inputter or a DBA
- Taxonomic revision: changes to current taxa and classifications. This type of editing should be undertaken by taxonomists or other related experts to revise the current taxa and classifications. Peer-view process should be taken into consideration for this kind of editing.
- TCBE is now focusing on the first type of editing, but has the potential to incorporate the second type of editing
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- 'Present' climate data
- Data loaded into SRB
- EML loaded into Metacat
Current tasks / bugs
- Gathering data for biodiversity working group
- Constructing EcoGrid/Kepler presentation for GISci conference
- Writing EcoGrid/Kepler paper for IJGIS
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Screen shots and class design for ecogrid service registry search in kepler
Current tasks / bugs
- Continue coding for ecogrid service registry search in kepler
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- Created MoML list of actors and gave each a unique LSID. Shawn is now using this for the ontology rearrangement of the actors.
Current tasks / bugs
- Working on getting the release of kepler ready for 10/15. Shawn and I are still working on getting all the ontology functionality working in the actor library.
Current tasks / bugs
- Continuing work on trying to implement the "Full GARP" workflow as designed at the BEAM meeting in Albuquerque in Feb 2004. Work on refactoring workflow into parallizable pieces has been partially documented with a new workflow checked into CVS. A nummber of issues on how to read and write intermediate results using the Ecogrid is under investigation.
Significant issues
- Completing Full GARP workflow prior to 15 October goal seems unlikely
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- rendering rdfs labels for all owl objects
- remade 8 icons for toolbox
- minor bug fixes in growl applet
Current tasks / bugs
- editing of rdfs: label feilds
- hope to work on growl paper
Completed tasks / bugs fixed
- EcoGrid Web Interface
- started Darwin Core support
- started Results set data structures which can handle multiple results (multi-node search).
Current tasks / bugs
- EcoGrid Web Interface
- continue working on Darwin Core support
- continue results handling code
Significant issues
- Problems with proper mappings for fields. Darwin Core doesn't seems to support all the fields used in in the web query UI, for example there's no Title, Abstract, or Keywords. Similar problems with return fields.
You can see the status reports for other time periods as well.