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Editing scenarios
Workflow might include review -> publish step
- DataLocationRegistration
- Registering a data provider location
- CreateTaxonList
- Aggregator should be able to retrieve information from multiple sources through a standard interface
- CommonAPIDataConsumption
- SEEK system consumes information from other resources via a common interface (such as ITIS)
New provisional provider use cases
- DataProviderSlurpsConceptIDs?
- a data provider acquires unique global concept IDs from SEEK database, unique ID is used to resolve a specific concept instance, not a unique concept ID,could be a URN (contains 5 elements)
Provider use cases not directly relevant to the prime use case
- EditorConceptComparison
- A "(Concept, Name, Reference) author" can query the SEEK system to retrieve a set of concepts for comparing with their (new) entry
- EditorMappingComparison
- A "(Concept, Name, Reference) author" can query the SEEK system to retrieve the relationships between concepts
- CreateConceptMaps
- Systematist can create concepts and/or map them to concepts existing in the system
- AggregatorHasInputInterface?
- An aggregator should be able to implement a SEEK interface for data input
- FindSpecimenOrObservationFromConcept?
- union of use case FindSpecimentFromConcept and FindObservationFromConcept
- FindSpecimenFromConcept?
- (aka SearchNameByAuthority) Search for usages of a name/taxon in other datasets, e.g. find all museum specimens that match name or its synonym. Could be narrow, precise match, or broad with overlaps. This is similar to the Woods Hole activity (Remsen).
- FindObservationFromConcept?
- Search for observations based on a concept name, where the observations are references to the concept in some unvouchered data source
- FindConceptByName
- GetParentConcepts?
- GetChildConcepts?
- SelectNamingSystem
- A user needs to view alternative name system as per an authority - English common, French, USDA codes, Scientific without authors, USDA codes, GBIF GUIDs, etc., data providers can support multiple naming schemes.
- ViewAuthorityNomenclature
- A user needs to view nomenclature relative to a specific authority
- SEEKTaggingTaxa?
- An ecological data provider providing ecological or other data containing taxonomic references needs to tag those taxa using standard, registered GUIDs for concepts.RKP?
- RestrictDataSource
- Users who determine ecological data and specimens should be able to configure an authority mapping tool to point at any aggregator that has implemented the SEEK interface. This allows the tool to display only concepts relevant to that user (e.g., accepted from a particular authority, or for just a particular taxonomic group). This tool implements the functionality of SEEKTaggingTaxa by using the interfaces described in ViewAuthorityNomenclature.
- QueryAndRetrieveTaxonomicData?
- External applications can query and obtain content from the taxonomic concept service. This involves querying the concept base by name or reference etc (FindConceptByName) which returns a GUID which is used to retrieve the concept definition.
- TaxonConceptAndMappingSchema?
- System returns "taxonomic concept objects" and mappings in xml according to the SEEK federation schema
- CreateIrregularTaxa?
- Generic tools for independent contributors who need to generate irregular taxa - e.g. ecologist sees fuzzy graminoid #3, e.g. NatureServe recognizes Allium sp. #2, which is a valid taxon but not yet names. These "taxa" should have tags, and consequently there needs to be a registry for them.
- DataIntegration
- Integrate data that references taxonomic names and concepts (ecologists, gov. agencies
- NeedAuthoritativeLists?
- Conservation community needs definitive list to map other concepts on.
- CommonTaxonConceptExchangeFormat?
- Two different accumulaters should be able to exchange concepts via a common xml schema
- TaxonDatabaseWizard?
- Autonomous database mapping and concept creation tools for micro aggregators.
- DisplayVisualisationofConcepts
- Visualization tools for mapping taxa/taxon concepts
- MeasureTaxonConceptDifference?
- Service to provide a measure of relative equivalence of two (or more) taxonomic names (RelativeEquivalenceNotes Notes?)
- TranslateConceptAcrossAuthorities?
- Service that takes concept(s) and target authority as input and produces best match according to target authority. May include ability to filter out concepts used in matching based on quality assessment, and may want to provide list of probability ranked matches rather than just best match. Depends on MeasureTaxonConceptDifference being implemented to use for getting probability values.