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Semantic Mediation
- Scientific Data Integration and Mediation, B. Ludäscher, I. Altintas, A. Gupta, and K. Lin, Tutorial at the NPACI All Hands Meeting, San Diego, 2003. PPT
- CSE-291: Ontologies in Data Integration, graduate class, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, Spring 2003. PPT
- Ecological Informatics: Managing Data & Information for Projects, Laboratories, & Observatories, Sunday, August 1, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM ESA Portland, Oregon 2004.
GIS Training October 16-27,2006
Spatial Analysis 3![](images/out.png)
Informatics Training for OBFS
SEEK Postdoctoral Training 2006
GIS November 7-11, 2005
Ecoinformatics October 31- November 4, 2005
SEEK Postdoctoral And New Faculty Training January 2005
Geographic Information System Training: October 25 — October 29, 2004
Ecological Informatics Training: October 17 — October 22, 2004
2004 ESA Workshop Agenda
SEEK Post Doc agenda 2004
RCN training agenda 2003
GIS agenda 2003